- Learn about it: by accessing the Bozhy Dity (God’s Little Children) lesson on the Edmonton Eparchy Website. Learn about this amazing day in the life of the Church and make a fun donkey puppet: https://eeparchy.com/children/
- Practice: this traditional verse while “gently” tapping each other on the shoulder. This is a reminder of the scourging of Christ and comes with a wish for good health and happiness:
“The willow hits, it’s not I;
A week from today it will be Easter!”
Лоза б’є, не я б’ю, від нині за тиждень буде Великдень!”
- Go for a God walk: looking for signs of new life; a blade of green grass, tiny ants, tulips poking their heads out, buds on trees or pussy willows which have great significance today. Discuss the miracle of new life. Help your children live in the wonder of God and reawaken (for yourself as well) a sense of wonder at the miracles that happen around us each day. Talk about the greatest miracle of life that we will soon be celebrating – the resurrection of Christ!
- Decorate eggs: recalling that the egg is a sign of new life just as the pussy willows are. We are reminded of Christ’s emergence from the tomb, as chicks emerge from eggs. Try single-coloured – krashanky for the very little ones, dotted – krapanky for the less little or intricately designed pysanky for older children and adults. They can be blessed in your Easter basket next week.
- Pray: this Troparion in front of the icon while waving the pussy willows that you received in church. Encourage the children to joyfully shout “Hosanna in the highest!” Place the willows in a vase or behind an icon corner or try planting them.
Assuring us before Your Passion of the general resurrection, You raised Lazarus from the dead, O Christ God: and so, like the children we also carry signs of victory and cry to You, the conqueror of death:
Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest! (3X)
Created by the Religious Education Department of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton. Permission granted to reproduce for personal or educational purposes only. 2021