Ukrainian Catholics have a great tradition of greetings in our church. Our greetings and responses all revolve around the liturgical calendar and can be used to greet friends, family, and strangers! Sometimes, we all forget which greeting to use so here’s a general list to help guide you:
1. For During the Year
Greet individuals with: “Glory be to Jesus Christ!”
Your Response: “Glory be Forever!”
Українська мова:
Вітання:“Слава Iсусу Христу!”
(Pronounced: Slava Isusu Khrystu!)
Відповідь:“Слава навiки!“
(Pronounced: Slava na viky!)
2. During the Divine Liturgy during the kiss of peace
Greet individuals with: “Christ is among us!”
Your Response: “He is and always will be!”
Українська мова:
Вітання:“Христос посеред нас!”
(Pronounced: Khrystos posered nas!)
Відповідь:“є, і буде!”
(Pronounced: ye, i bude!)
3. For During the Easter Season (Used From Easter Sunday (Pascha) to the Feast of the Ascension)
Greet individuals with: “Christ is Risen!”
Your Response: “Truly He is Risen!”
Українська мова:
Вітання:“Христос Воскрес!”
(Pronounced: Khrystos Voskres!)
Відповідь:“Воiстину Воскрес!“
(Pronounced: Voistynu Voskres!)
4. For During Christmas (December 25 to February 1)
Greet individuals with: “Christ is Born!”
Your Response: “Glorify Him!”
Українська мова:
Вітання: “Христос Рождається!”
(Pronounced: Khrystos Rozhdayet”sya!)
Відповідь:“Славiте Його!“
(Pronounced: Slavite Joho!)
5. For During Theophany (January 6th)
Greet individuals with: “Christ is Baptized!”
Your Response: “In the river Jordan!”
Українська мова:
Вітання:“Христос хрещається!”
(Pronounced: Khrystos xreshhayet”sya!)
Відповідь: “У річці Йордані!”
(Pronounced: U richci Jordani!)