On December 17 2020, the Edmonton Eparchy embarked on its first-ever online virtual gala, named the Armchair Gala. Despite being unable to serve guests a warm meal in person, the eparchy instead made donations to local food banks across the province on behalf of all the attendees. Donations were made to Mustard Seed Calgary, Hope Mission Edmonton, Camrose Food Bank Leduc and District Food Bank, Strathcona Food Bank, Smoky Lake Food Bank, Lamont Food Bank, St. Paul Food Bank, Viking Food Bank, and the Vegreville Food Bank Society.

The host, Andrea Leader, introduced the various achievements of the Eparchy over the year 2020 and introduced Bishop David Motiuk’s upcoming new evangelization plan. The 3-point plan is focusing the eparchy’s efforts on leading more people to Christ than ever before with initiatives in leadership development, parish communications, and educational programming. The gala fundraised $39 965 specifically for this new evangelization campaign to help further the efforts of the Ukrainian Catholic Mission in Alberta.

To further our mission to lead more to Christ and discover where the funds are being put towards, visit our page here: http://eeparchy.com/evangelize 

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