At Psalm 140

In Tone 4

  1. Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name.

Behold, this is the acceptable time,* this is the day of salvation.* Visit my soul in the abundance of Your love,** and in Your unique goodness, lighten the load of my sins.

  1. The just shall gather around me* when You have been good to me.

Behold, this is the acceptable time,* this is the day of salvation.* Visit my soul in the abundance of Your love,** and in Your unique goodness, lighten the load of my sins.

In Tone 5

  1. Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!

You were not concerned about all these earthly matters,* and you courageously braved the tortures.* You did not sin against hope,* having confidence in God’s love for humankind;* thus you were made heirs to the Kingdom of Heaven,* O most praise-worthy martyrs.** Ask for peace for the world and great mercy for our souls.

  1. Let Yours ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.

Putting on the shield of faith* and fortifying themselves with the symbol of the Cross,* Your saints, O Lord, bravely went of their own accord to torture.* They defeated the craft and insolence of the devil.* By their supplications, O all-powerful God,** send peace to the world and great mercy to our souls

  1. If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.

Intercede for us, O holy martyrs,* that we may be delivered from our iniquities;** for the grace to pray for us is given to you.

  1. I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.

With your souls filled with unquenchable love,* you endured the most terrible sufferings without ever denying Christ;* and you laid low the impudence of the torturers.* You kept the faith unwavering and unharmed,* and have gone to dwell in heaven.* Therefore, having the boldness to approach the Lord,** beg Him to grant us His great mercy.

In Tone 4

  1. From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.

You were unvanquished martyrs,* heavenly-minded fathers!* All-praised hierarchs and beacons of the universe,* immovable pillars of the church of God,* and a foundation of its teachings,* instructors of the righteous and destroyers of falsehood,* light-bearing guides for our souls,* fellow citizens with the angels,** and champions of the Trinity!

  1. For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

You were unvanquished martyrs,* heavenly-minded fathers!* All-praised hierarchs and beacons of the universe,* immovable pillars of the church of God,* and a foundation of its teachings,* instructors of the righteous and destroyers of falsehood,* light-bearing guides for our souls,* fellow citizens with the angels,** and champions of the Trinity!

  1. Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.

Let the glorious Ephrem be blessed with divine speeches* together with the divinely wise Basil,* the great Capiton, the godly Agathadorus,* Elpidius, Etherius and the glorious Eugene:* For they lived righteously and suffered in a holy way.** They were revealed to be inhabitants of the Kingdom of heaven!

  1. Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.

Having slain fleshly knowledge with ascetic labours,* by invoking the name of God,* the glorious Basil raised up a man from the dead!* The most holy shepherd, Capiton,* was seen unconsumed while he stood and rejoiced in the midst of the fire!* By their supplications, Lover of mankind,** grant us the means of atonement and Your great mercy!

In Tone 5, Glory…

I recall the prophet crying out:* I am ashes and dust.* And again, I looked into the graves and saw bones laid bare and I said:* Which is king or soldier, rich or poor, righteous or sinner?* But, with the just, give rest, O Lord, to Your departed servants,** since You are the Lover of humankind.


A symbol of the undefiled Virgin and bride was revealed in the Red Sea.* There, Moses divided the waters;* here, Gabriel is the messenger of the miracle.* There, the Israelites crossed the deep and their feet were not even wet;* here, the Virgin gives birth to Christ without human seed.* There, the sea remained uncrossed after the passing of Israel;* here the immaculate remained incorrupt after giving birth to Emmanuel.** Therefore, O Immortal God, who appeared in the flesh as true Man, have mercy on us!

Prokeimenon I, Tone 4
Your merciful love and Your truth* will guard me forever.

verse: I waited, I waited for the Lord and He stooped down to me; He heard my cry.

Reading I
Genesis 5:32-6:8

Prokeimenon II, Tone 6
As for me, I said: Lord, have mercy on me;* heal my soul for I have sinned against You.

verse: Blessed are those who consider the poor and the weak. The Lord will save them in the evil day.

Reading II
Proverbs 6:20-7:1