Kathisma Reading
“Blessed is the man…” is sung.
At Psalm 140
In Tone 5
- Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name.
With Your precious Cross, O Christ,* You have put the Devil to shame.* With Your Resurrection You have deadened the sting of Death.* We, therefore, glorify You, O only-begotten Son of God.
- The just shall gather around me* when You have been good to me.
O Christ, Who granted resurrection to mankind,* You were led like a lamb to the slaughter.* Then the princes of Hades were struck with terror* as they saw the gates of their tearful domain being lifted up;* for Christ, the King of Glory, entered therein* and exclaimed to those in chains: Go forth from here!* And to those in darkness: Go forth into the light!
- Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!
What a great wonder!* The Creator of invisible beings suffered in the flesh for mankind,* and rose from the dead as immortal.* Come, therefore, all you nations and adore Him;* for through His compassion we have been freed from the snares of the Devil,* and we have learned to praise the one God in three Persons.
- Let Yours ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.
We offer to You our evening worship,* O Light Whom the darkness of night can never extinguish.* For in these latter days Your radiance has appeared to the world,* shining in Your flesh as light reflected in a mirror.* Your brilliance has descended even to the depths of Hades and dissolved its gloom.* O Lord, Giver of Light, glory to You;* for You have shown the radiance of Your Resurrection to all the nations.
In Tone 5
- If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.
Joy to you, life-bearing Cross of the Lord* invincible triumph of the true faith.* You are the gate to Paradise* the strength of the faithful, and the stronghold of the Church:* Because of you, corruption no longer has meaning nor power.* By you we have been lifted up from earth to heaven.* You are an invincible weapon against evil,* a glory indeed for saints and martyrs,* and a haven for salvation.* You are the source of mercy to the world.
- I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.
Joy to you, most honourable Cross of the Lord.* Through you the human race has been delivered from the curse.* In your exaltation you are a sign of true joy.* O Cross all-venerable, you scatter all our enemies.* You are the help of Christians, the glory of kings,* the strength of the just, and the splendour of priests.* All who sign themselves with you are freed from peril.* You are the strength under which we are tended like sheep.* The angels gather around you in awe as the source of peace.* You are the glory of Christ* who grants great mercy to the world.
- From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.
Joy to you, precious Cross of the Lord,* guide to the blind and physician to the sick,* and resurrection to the dead.* You raised us out of corruption and removed the curse.* Through you we have been made divine,* and the power of Hades has been destroyed in full.* Therefore, seeing you today lifted up by our priests,* we exalt Christ who was suspended on you;* and we bow deeply before you,* seeking forgiveness and great mercy.
In Tone 1
- For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.
Having clothed yourself with the armour of faith,* O victorious martyr Nicetas,* you were revealed as a defender of Christ the King* just as the mighty Gideon of old.* You defeated the enemy by your courage.
- Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.
O Martyr, you defeated the enemy* by your all-powerful faith in the Saviour.* O God-wise one, you suffered the passion.* Because of this, O wise Nicetas,* you converted the barbarians to the Creator and Master of all.* And they devoutly glorify Him.
- Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.
O holy Martyr, you offered to the glory of Christ* the first-fruits of the enemy.* You were revealed as a sufferer of the passion.* You preached about God and died as a witness to the Trinity.* For this you received a crown of martyrdom;* and like a brilliant light,* you shed radiance through the world, O glorious one.
In Tone 6, Glory…
The words of the prophets have told of the most holy wood* by which Adam was delivered from the ancient curse and from death.* On this day of its exaltation, creation raises its voice* to beg God for the abundance of his mercy.* O Lord, your compassion is beyond measure;* spare us, O God, and save our souls!
In Tone 5, Now…
A symbol of the undefiled Virgin and bride* was revealed in the Red Sea.* There, Moses divided the waters;* here, Gabriel is the messenger of the miracle.* There, the Israelites crossed the deep and their feet were not even wet;* here, the Virgin gives birth to Christ without human seed.* There, the sea remained uncrossed after the passing of Israel;* here, the immaculate remained incorrupt after giving birth to Emmanuel.* Therefore, O immortal God, who appeared in the flesh as true Man,* have mercy on us!
In Tone 5
O Christ our Saviour,* we lift up our voices to glorify You.* For, in Your love for mankind,* You became incarnate without leaving heaven;* You accepted the Cross and death;* You cast down the gates of Hades;* and on the third day You arose from the dead* for the salvation of our souls.
The Lord reigns, He is clothed in majesty. Robed is the Lord, and girt about with strength.
O Giver of Life,* streams of forgiveness, life, and salvation* poured forth from Your pierced side upon us all.* By accepting physical death, You granted us immortality;* by lying in the tomb, You freed us from Hades,* and as God, by rising from the dead,* You raised us with Yourself in glory.* Therefore, we cry out to You:* O Lover of mankind, glory to You!
For He has made the world firm, which shall not be moved.
O Lover of mankind,* Your crucifixion and descent into Hades are most wondrous.* For, as God, You thereby conquered the power of Hades,* and raised up in glory, with Yourself, those who were long imprisoned there.* You reopened Paradise and enabled them to enter.* Grant forgiveness of sins to us* who glorify Your Resurrection on the third day,* for You alone are all-merciful.
Holiness befits Your house, O Lord, for length of days.
O Lover of mankind,* You accepted suffering in the flesh* and rose from the dead on the third day.* Therefore, heal the passions of our flesh,* raise us from our dreadful iniquities, and save us.
In Tone 8, Glory… Now…
Behold the words of your prophet Moses are fulfilled, O Lord;* for he said: You shall see your life suspended before your eyes.* Today the Cross is exalted, and the world is freed from error.* Today the Resurrection of Christ is renewed;* the ends of the earth exalt with joy.* At the sound of the cymbals of David,* they offer a hymn of praise and say:* In your goodness and love for all,* You have brought about our salvation in the middle of the earth, O our God.* Through your Cross and Resurrection You save us.* O Lord all-powerful, glory to You!
In Tone 5
Let us, the faithful, acclaim and worship the Word* co-eternal with the Father and the Spirit,* and born of the Virgin for our salvation.* For He willed to be lifted up on the cross in the flesh,* to suffer death and to raise the dead,* by His glorious Resurrection.
In Tone 1, Glory… Now…
Save Your people, O Lord, and bless Your inheritance,* grant victory to Your faithful people against enemies,* and protect Your community by Your Cross.
Antiphon 1
O God, my God, hear me; why have You forsaken me? The words of my transgressions put salvation far from me.
Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Saviour, save us.
O God, I will call to You by day but You will not listen; and by night, yet it will not be foolish of me.
Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Saviour, save us.
But You, the praise of Israel, dwell in the holy place.
Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Saviour, save us.
Glory… Now… Only-begotten Son…
Antiphon 3
Come, let us sing joyfully to the Lord, let us acclaim God, our Saviour.
Son of God, crucified in the flesh, save us who sing to You: Alleluia.
Let us come before His face with praise, and acclaim Him in psalms.
Son of God, crucified in the flesh, save us who sing to You: Alleluia.
For God is the great Lord, and the great king over all the earth.
Son of God, crucified in the flesh, save us who sing to You: Alleluia.
Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ.
Son of God, crucified in the flesh, save us who sing to You: Alleluia.
Troparia and Kontakia
Troparion, Tone 5: Let us the faithful acclaim and worship the Word,* co-eternal with the Father and the Spirit,* and born of the Virgin for our salvation.* For He willed to be lifted up on the cross in the flesh, to suffer death* and to raise the dead by His glorious resurrection.
Troparion, Tone 1: Save Your people, O Lord, and bless Your inheritance.* Grant victory to Your faithful people against enemies,* and protect Your community by Your cross.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
Kontakion, Tone 5: You, my Saviour, descended to Hades,* and as the Almighty, You shattered its gates.* With Yourself You, as the Creator, raised the dead and shattered the sting of death,* and delivered Adam from the curse, O Lover of Mankind.* And so we cry out: “Save us, O Lord.”
Now and for ever and ever. Amen.
Kontakion, Tone 4: By Your own choice, O Christ our God,* You were lifted on the cross.* Grant Your mercies to Your new community* that bears Your Name.* By Your power gladden the faithful people,* and grant them victory against enemies.* May they have the help of Your instrument of peace,* the invincible sign of victory.
Prokeimenon, Tone 7
Exalt the Lord our God,* and bow in worship at the footstool of his feet, for it is holy.
verse: The Lord reigns, let the people tremble. (Psalm 98:5,1)
Galatians 2:16-20
Alleluia, Tone 1
verse: Remember Your congregation which You acquired from the beginning.
verse: But God is our king before the ages; He has wrought salvation in the midst of the earth. (Psalm 73:2,12)
Mark 8:34-9:1
Hymn to the Mother of God
O my soul, magnify the most precious cross of the Lord.
And the Irmos, Tone 8: You are a mystical Paradise, O Mother of God, who though untilled, have brought forth Christ. He has planted upon earth the life-giving Tree of the Cross. Therefore today as we raise it on high we bow low and we magnify you.
Communion Hymn
Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise Him in the highest (Ps 148:1). Let the light of Your countenance, O Lord,* shine upon us.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia. (Psalm 4:7)
At the end of Liturgy we sing:
To Your Cross, O Master, we bow in veneration, and we glorify Your holy Resurrection. (3)
Неділя після Воздвиження чесного Хреста; Св. влкмч. Микити. 15 вересня.
Антифон 1
Стих 1: Боже, Боже мій, зваж на мене, чому ти оставив мене? Далеко від спасення мого слова гріхопадінь моїх (Пс 21,2).
Приспів: Молитвами Богородиці,* Спасе, спаси нас.
Стих 2: Боже мій, закличу вдень і не вислухаєш, і вночі, і не в безумство мені (Пс 21,3).
Приспів: Молитвами Богородиці,* Спасе, спаси нас.
Стих 3: А ти у святому живеш, хвало ізраїлева (Пс 21,4).
Приспів: Молитвами Богородиці,* Спасе, спаси нас.
+Слава Отцю, і Сину, і Святому Духові. І нині, і повсякчас, і на віки вічні. Амінь..Єдинородний Сину
Антифон 3: Приспів празника (15-20 вересня)
Приспів: Спаси нас, Сину Божий, що плоттю розп’явся, співаємо Тобі: Алилуя.
Прийдіте поклонімося і припадім до Христа. Спаси нас, Сину Божий, що плоттю розп’явся, співаємо Тобі: Алилуя.
Тропарі і Кондаки
Тропар (глас 5): Рівнобезначальне з Отцем і Духом Слово,* що від Діви народилося на спасіння наше,* прославмо, вірні, і поклонімся,* бо Воно благозволило тілом зійти на хрест* і смерть перетерпіти, і воскресити померлих* славним воскресінням Своїм.
Тропар (глас 1): Спаси, Господи, людей Твоїх і благослови насліддя Твоє, перемоги благовірному народові на супротивників даруй і хрестом Твоїм охорони люд Твій.
+Слава Отцю, і Сину, і Святому Духові.
Кондак (глас 5): До аду, Спасе мій, зійшов Ти,* і, як всемогутній, сокрушивши його брами,* Ти, Чоловіколюбче, як Творець, воскресив з Собою померлих,* жало смерти вирвав, й Адама від прокляття визволив.* Тому всі до Тебе взиваємо:* Спаси нас, Господи!
І нині, і повсякчас, і на віки вічні. Амінь.
Кондак (глас 4): Вознісся Ти на хрест волею Своєю. Новому людові Твоєму, що Твоє ім’я носить, даруй щедроти Твої, Христе Боже. Возвесели силою Твоєю благовірний народ, перемоги на супротивніків дай йому, що за посібник має Твоє оружжя миру, непоборну перемогу.
Прокімен (глас 7):
Возносіть Господа Бога нашого і поклоняйтеся підніжжю ніг Його, бо святе воно (Пс 98,5).
Стих: Господь возцарився, нехай гніваються люди (Пс 98,1).
Апостол: (Гл 2,16-20):
Браття і Сестри, довідавшися, що людина оправдується не ділами закону, а через віру в Ісуса Христа, ми й увірували в Христа Ісуса, щоб оправдатися нам вірою в Христа, а не ділами закону; бо ніхто не оправдається ділами закону. Коли ж, шукаючи оправдання у Христі, виявилося, що й ми самі грішники, – то невже Христос – служитель гріха? Жадним робом! Бо коли я знову відбудовую те, що зруйнував був, то я себе самого оголошую переступником. Я бо через закон для закону вмер, щоб для Бога жити: я –розп’ятий з Христом. Живу вже не я, а живе Христос у мені. А що живу тепер у тілі, то живу вірою в Божого Сина, який полюбив мене й видав себе за мене.
Алилуя (глас 1):
Стих: Пом’яни соньм Твій, що його придбав Ти іздавна (Пс 73,2).
Стих: Бог же – цар наш перше віку, вчинив спасіння посеред землі (Пс 73,12).
Євангеліє: (Мр 8,34-9,1):
Сказав Господь: “Коли хтось хоче йти за мною, хай зречеться себе самого, візьме на себе хрест свій і йде слідом за мною. Бо хто хоче спасти свою душу, той її погубить; а хто погубить свою душу мене ради та Євангелії, той її спасе. Бо яка користь людині здобути світ увесь, а занапастити свою душу? Що бо людина може дати взамін за власну душу? Хто, отже, буде соромитися мене й моїх слів перед цим родом перелюбним та грішним, того посоромиться і Син Чоловічий, коли прийде у славі Отця свого з святими ангелами.” І сказав їм: “Істинно кажу вам: Є деякі з отут присутніх, що не зазнають смерти, аж поки не вздріють Царства Божого, що прийде у могутності.”
Замість Достойно:
Величай, душе моя, Господа, пречесний хрест Господень.
Ірмос (глас 8): Таїнственний рай Ти, Богородице, що невоздільно виростила Христа. Він на землі насадив хресне життєносне древо. Йому, що Його нині возносять, поклоняючись, Тебе величаємо.
Хваліте Господа з небес, хваліте Його на висотах (Пс 148,1). Знаманувалося на нас світло лиця Твого, Господи (Пс 4,7). Алилуя (х3).
Після Літургії співаємо:
Хресту Твоєму поклоняємось, Владико, і святеє восекресіння Твоє славимо (x3).