Kathisma Reading
“Blessed is the man…” is sung.
At Psalm 140
In Tone 6
- Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name.
O Christ, You won the victory over Hades,* You ascended the Cross so that You might raise up with Yourself* all those who dwelt in the darkness of death.* Almighty Saviour, You are free from death* and bestow life by Your divine light.* We, therefore, beseech You to have mercy on us.
- The just shall gather around me* when You have been good to me.
Today Christ has conquered Death.* He has risen from the grave as He foretold,* bestowing great joy upon the world.* Therefore, let us all lift up our voices and sing:* O Fount of Life, O Light Whom no one can approach,* Almighty Saviour, have mercy on us.
- Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!
O Lord, where can we sinners flee from You,* for You are present in all creation?* You are present in heaven, for it is Your dwelling place.* Your power prevails in Hades where You conquered Death.* O Master, Your sustaining hand touches even the depths of the sea.* Where, then, can we take refuge except in You?* We, therefore, prostrate ourselves before You and pray:* O Lord, risen from the dead, have mercy on us.
- Let Yours ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.
We exult in Your Cross, O Christ,* and we sing the glory of Your Resurrection.* For You are our God, and we have no other Lord but You.
- If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.
Glory to Your might, O Lord,* for You have conquered the power of death.* You have renewed us through Your Cross,* granting us life and incorruption.
- I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.
We forever bless the Lord and praise His resurrection,* for by suffering crucifixion,* He has destroyed death by His death.
- From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.
By Your death and burial, O Lord,* You broke asunder the bonds of Hades;* and by Your resurrection from the dead,* You enlightened the whole world.* We, therefore, exclaim: Glory to You, O Lord!
In Tone 1
- For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.
By a choice determined by God,* you were honored by being preferred to serve the needs of the saints!* You were full of divine wisdom, illumination and grace!* Now, glorious ones, you ever dwell in the heavens,* rejoicing with the angels.
- Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.
By the grace of the Spirit,* you were revealed to the world as bright lamps* shining richly with the light of knowledge,* ending the darkness of wickedness!* Having been translated, apostles,* you make your dwelling near the unapproachable Light!
- Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.
Let us praise the most holy Nicanor,* Parmenas and Timon,* and with them let us honor the divine Prochorus,* for these men fulfilled the commands of the Word!* They enrich the doubting,* and are most ardent intercessors with our God!
In Tone 6, Glory… Now…
Who would not call you blessed, O Virgin most holy?* Who would not sing a hymn of praise* to the glory of your giving birth without pain or travail?* The Only-begotten Son Himself,* begotten of the Father before all ages,* was made flesh out of you in a manner* that cannot be explained, O Woman most pure!* And for our sake, He Who is God by nature* assumed the nature of a man.* He is not divided into two persons;* He is understood to have two natures* without commixion or confusion.* O noble and blessed Woman,* intercede with Him that He may mercy on our souls.
In Tone 6
O Christ our Saviour,* the angels in heaven sing the praises of Your Resurrection;* make us on earth also worthy* to extol You with a pure heart.
The Lord reigns, He is clothed in majesty. Robed is the Lord, and girt about with strength.
Almighty God, You destroyed the brazen gates and bars of Hades,* and raised up fallen mankind.* Therefore, with one accord, we cry out:* O Lord, risen from the dead, glory to You!
For He has made the world firm, which shall not be moved.
Christ willed to renew us from our corruption of old* by being nailed to a cross and placed in a tomb.* When the women came to anoint His body they tearfully cried out:* O, what sorrow afflicts us!* O Saviour of All, how could You consent to occupy a grave?* If you truly willed this, then why did You allow Your body to be stolen?* How were You removed?* What place now conceals Your life-bearing body?* O Lord, appear to us as You promised* and put an end to out tears.* As they were lamenting, an angel appeared and cried out to them:* Do not weep, but tell the Apostles that the Lord is risen,* granting sanctification and great mercy to the world.
Holiness befits Your house, O Lord, for length of days.
O Christ, You were crucified of Your free will,* and by Your burial You imprisoned Death.* As God, You rose in glory on the third day,* granting life and great mercy to the world.
Glory… Now…
Christ the Lord, our Creator and Redeemer,* came forth from your womb, O most pure Virgin.* He clothed Himself in our human flesh* to set us free from the original curse of Adam.* Therefore, O Mary, we praise you, without ceasing,* as the true Virgin Mother of God,* and we sing with the angels:* Rejoice, O Lady, advocate, protector, and salvation of our souls.
In Tone 6
Angelic powers were upon Your tomb* and the guards became like dead men;* Mary stood before Your tomb* seeking Your most pure body.* You captured Hades without being overcome by it.* You met the Virgin and granted life.* O Lord, risen from the dead,* glory to You!
In Tone 3
Holy apostles, intercede with the merciful God* to grant to our souls forgiveness of sins.
We sing your praises, O Virgin;* for, as the Mother of God, you always intercede for the salvation of the human race.* It is from you that our God and Your Son took flesh. * Then, by suffering the passion on the Cross,* and out of love for mankind, He delivered us from corruption.
Troparia and Kontakia
Troparion, Tone 6: Angelic powers were upon Your tomb* and the guards became like dead men;* Mary stood before Your tomb* seeking Your most pure body.* You captured Hades without being overcome by it.* You met the Virgin and granted life.* O Lord, risen from the dead,* glory be to You!
+Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
Kontakion, Tone 6: With His life-giving hand* Christ our God, the Giver of life,* raised all the dead from the murky abyss* and bestowed resurrection upon humanity.* He is for all the Saviour,* the resurrection and the life, and the God of all.
Now and for ever and ever. Amen.
Theotokion, Tone 6: Undaunted patroness of Christians,* O steadfast intermediary with the Creator,* turn not away from the suppliant voices of sinners,* but in your kindness come to help us who cry out to you in faith.* Be quick to intercede, make haste to plead,* for you are ever the patroness of those who honour you, O Mother of God.
Prokeimenon, Tone 6
Save Your people, O Lord, * and bless Your inheritance.
verse: Unto You I will cry, O Lord, my God, lest You turn from me in silence. (Psalm27:9,1)
Romans 15:1-7
Alleluia, Tone 6
verse: He who lives in the aid of the Most High, shall dwell under the protection of the God of heaven.
verse: He says to the Lord: You are my protector and my refuge, my God, in Whom I hope. (Psalm 90:1,2)
Matthew 9:27-35
Communion Hymn
Praise the Lord from the heavens;* praise Him in the highest.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia. (Psalm 148:1)
7-а Неділя по Зісланні Св. Духа Святих
Тропарі і Кондаки:
Тропар (глас 6): Ангельські сили на гробі Твоїм, і сторожі омертвіли; Марія ж стояла при гробі, шукаючи пречистого тіла Твого. Полонив Ти ад і, не переможений від нього, зустрів Ти Діву, даруючи життя. Воскреслий з мертвих, Господи, слава Тобі!
+Слава Отцю, і Сину, і Святому Духові.
Кондак (глас 6): Животворною рукою Життєдавець, Христос Бог, воскресив з темних безодень всіх померлих і подав воскресіння людському родові: Він бо всіх Спаситель, воскресіння, життя і Бог усіх.
І нині, і повсякчас, і на віки вічні. Амінь.
Богородичний (глас 6): 3аступнице християн бездоганна, Посереднице до Творця незамінна, не погорди молінням грішних, але випереди, як Блага, з поміччю нам, що вірно Тобі співаємо. Поспішись на молитву і скоро прийди на моління, заступаючи повсякчас, Богородице, тих, що Тебе почитають.
Прокімен (глас 6):
Спаси, Господи, людей Твоїх і благослови спадкоємство Твоє (Пс 27,9).
Стих: До Тебе, Господи, взиватиму; Боже мій, не відвертайсь мовчки від мене (Пс 27,1).
Апостол: (Рм 12,6-14):
Браття і Сестри, ми, сильні, мусимо нести немочі безсильних, а не собі догоджати. Кожний із нас нехай намагається догодити ближньому: на добро, для збудування. Бо й Христос не собі догоджав, а як написано: «Зневаги тих, що тебе зневажають, упали на мене.» Все бо, що було написане давніше, написане нам на науку, щоб ми мали надію через терпеливість й утіху, про які нас Письмо навчає. Бог же терпеливости й утіхи, за прикладом Христа Ісуса, нехай дасть вам, щоб ви між собою однаково думали за Христом Ісусом; щоб ви однодушно, одними устами славили Бога й Отця Господа нашого Ісуса Христа. Тому приймайте один одного, як і Христос прийняв вас у Божу славу.
Алилуя (глас 6):
Стих: Хто живе під охороною Всевишнього, під покровом Бога небесного оселиться (Пс 90,1).
Стих: Скаже він Господеві: Ти заступник мій і пристановище моє, Бог мій, на котрого я надіюся (Пс 90,2).
Євангеліє: (Мт 8,5-13):
У той час, як Ісус відходив звідти, слідом за ним пустилися два сліпці й кричали: “Помилуй нас, сину Давидів!” І коли він увійшов до хати, сліпці приступили до нього, а він спитав їх: “Чи віруєте, що я можу це зробити?” – “Так, Господи!” – кажуть йому ті. Тоді він доторкнувся до їхніх очей, мовивши: “Нехай вам станеться за вашою вірою!” І відкрились їхні очі. Ісус же суворо наказав їм: “Глядіть, щоб ніхто не знав про це.” Та ті, вийшовши, розголосили про нього чутку по всій країні. А як вони виходили, приведено до нього німого, що був біснуватий. Коли ж він вигнав біса, німий почав говорити, і люди дивувалися, кажучи: “Ніколи щось таке не об’являлося в Ізраїлі!” Фарисеї ж говорили: “Він виганяє бісів князем бісівським!” Ісус обходив усі міста і села, навчаючи в їхніх синагогах, проповідуючи Євангелію царства та вигоюючи всяку хворобу й недугу.
Хваліте Господа з небес,* хваліте Його на висотах (Пс 148,1). Алилуя (х3).