Kathisma Reading
“Blessed is the man…” is taken.
At Psalm 140
In Tone 1
- Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!
O all-compassionate Word,* You carried Elias the Tishbite away from the earth in a chariot of fire.* Through his intercession* save us who faithfully glorify You* and who joyously commemorate his feast.
- Let Yours ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.
O all-compassionate Word,* You carried Elias the Tishbite away from the earth in a chariot of fire.* Through his intercession* save us who faithfully glorify You* and who joyously commemorate his feast.
- If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.
O blessed Elias,* you encountered God not in an earthquake but in the coolness of a gentle breeze.* O God-inspired one, you went up to heaven in a wondrous way,* on a chariot drawn by four horses.* Thus you became a marvel to all of us.
- I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.
O blessed Elias,* you encountered God not in an earthquake but in the coolness of a gentle breeze.* O God-inspired one, you went up to heaven in a wondrous way,* on a chariot drawn by four horses.* Thus you became a marvel to all of us.
- From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.
O all-wise Elias,* in your burning zeal for God,* you slew the shameful priests with a sword.* With the word of your mouth you dried up the clouds* so that it would not rain.* You perfected Elisha by the gift of your mantle,* filling him with heavenly graces.
In Tone 2
- For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.
The two lampstands, Elias and Elisha,* illuminated the whole world.* One prevented raindrops from heaven,* reproved the king, and rose into heaven on a fiery chariot.* The other healed the barren waters,* and having received the two-fold grace,* divided the waters of the Jordan.* Now they sing with the angels* and pray for the salvation of our souls.
- Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.
The fiery chariot took you up to heaven as in a whirlwind.* O Elias the Tishbite,* God graced you with a fiery zeal miracles.* You were created incorruptible,* so that you might not see death* until you knew beforehand the death of everyone.* Therefore, come and grant us a warning of your great accomplishments.
- Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.
O Prophet Elias, O lampstand of the Church which has no evening,* having been inflamed with divine zeal,* you closed up the rain from heaven;* you were fed by a raven;* you reproved the king and put the priests to death;* you commanded fire from heaven and slew two captains;* you provided abundantly for the widow by means of a little oil* and a small handful of meal;* you resurrected her son by your prayer;* you ignited the fire in water;* you crossed over the currents of the Jordan on foot.* Indeed, you were raised up to heaven by a fiery chariot.* You gave a two-fold grace to Elisha.* Pray unceasingly to God for the salvation of our souls.
In Tone 6, Glory…
Come, let us assemble, all you people of God,* in this holy place where we are to honour the two God-inspired Prophets.* Let us sing a special hymn of praise* to the glory of Christ God who chose them.* Let us cry out in joy, saying:* Rejoice, O earthly angel and heavenly man, Elias the Great.* Rejoice, O precious Elisha whom God has filled with the graces of heaven.* Rejoice, O fervent intercessors and mediators,* healers of the souls and bodies of the faithful who love Christ.* Deliver from the attacks of the enemy and from every danger* all those who celebrate your memory with honour.
Who would not bless you, O most holy Virgin?* Who would not praise the most pure manner in which you gave birth?* For the Only-begotten Son, Who proceeds eternally from the Father, came forth from you.* He took flesh from you in a manner that is beyond understanding.* He, Who by nature is God, took on our nature for our sake.* Yet He did not become divided into two persons;* rather, He remained one Person with two distinct and unconfused natures.* O most pure Lady, we implore you:* Beseech your Son and God to have mercy on our souls.
(1) I Kings 17:1-24; (2) I Kings 18:1-46; 19:1-16; (3) I Kings 19:19-21 & II Kings 2:1, 6-14
In Tone 4
You are a partaker, O blessed Prophet,* of the incorruptible company of God my Saviour.* Having divided the Jordan by prayer,* you crossed over on dry ground.* After leaving a two-fold grace for Elisha,* you were taken up into heaven on a fiery chariot.* Therefore, we beseech you,* although you were taken up from us in the flesh,* do not separate yourself from us in spirit,* and always pray to Christ that our souls may be saved.
O heavenly Prophet, you appeared as a shining cloud,* raining a shower of an understanding of God to all the faithful.* Like a rich wine you filled with happiness* the faithful who were present in your most divine temple.* Therefore, we entreat you, O heavenly Prophet Elias who sees God,* grant our country victory over her enemies* and great mercy to our souls.
Having complete control of your mind,* you humbled your body, O heavenly Prophet Elias.* Thus you prepared for your divine ascension in your heart.* You reproved the unjust actions of the king;* you took away the curse of God’s anger;* and you destroyed the shameful priests with a sword.* You taught all to loudly cry out:* Truly Elias preaches the one true God.
In Tone 6, Glory…
The disgraceful king commanded fasting in order to commit murder;* for after the fasting, blood was shed and the law was broken.* Naboth the Jezreelite was killed.* Then, O Prophet, you revealed the message of the Lord:* Since you killed the Jezreelite man unjustly,* likewise your blood will also be spilled and harlots will bathe in your blood.* O Lover of mankind, by the prayers of Your prophet and preacher,* deliver our souls from such inhumanity.
O Mother of God, you are the true vine laden with the fruit of life.* There, we implore you, O Lady,* to intercede together with the Apostles and the Saints* so that we may obtain mercy for our souls.
In Tone 8
Having been illuminated by a brilliant mind,* Elias, the awesome Prophet, was heavenly in his actions.* He became indignant when he saw the unjust judgment of the infamous king.* Therefore, by God’s judgment, Elias denounced him.* Likewise, he delivered to God’s judgment the unmerciful queen who loved evil.* Now, O Christ, as the merciful One,* we ask You to save us by the prayers of Elias, Your Prophet.
Among His priests were Aaron and Moses; among those who invoked His name was Samuel.
O Prophet, you declared:* How long, O Lord, is the way of the infamous one to continue?* You planted and they became rooted* and produced the fruit of iniquity.* Indeed, they perished because of their shameful actions.* They cry out to You, but You will not hear.* Why have You shown me the scandal of the judges of the lawbreakers.
You are a priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek.
O great Elias, respected among the prophets,* your ascension is dear to those who celebrate.* By your prayers you deliver us from dangers and sorrows,* and you preserve us from the attacks of the Evil One.* O most glorious Prophet,* grant that we who are faithful followers of Christ* may always venerate you and bless you.
In Tone 6, Glory…
O Prophet who foretold the coming of Christ,* you are forever in the presence of God’s glory,* and you intercede for those who are suffering.* Since you serve the Majesty on High,* you bless the whole world and are glorified everywhere.* Now obtain for us the forgiveness of our sins.
Christ the Lord, our Creator and Redeemer,* came forth from your womb, O most pure Virgin.* He clothed Himself in our human flesh* to set us free from the original curse of Adam.* Therefore, O Mary, we praise you, without ceasing,* as the true Virgin Mother of God,* and we sing with the angels:* Rejoice, O Lady, advocate, protector and salvation of our souls.
In Tone 4
The glorious Elias,* angelic in body, pillar of the prophets, second herald of Christ – * by sending grace upon Elisha from on high,* dispels disease, cleanses lepers, and overflows with healing for those who honour him. Twice
Rejoice Virgin Mary, Mother of God, full of grace* the Lord is with you!* Blessed are you among women,* And blessed is the Fruit of your womb.* For you have given birth to Christ* the Saviour and Deliverer of our souls.
Troparion and Kontakion
Troparion, Tone 4: The glorious Elias, * incarnate messenger of God, pillar of the prophets, * and second forerunner of the coming of Christ, * sent grace from on high to Elisha * that he might cleanse lepers and heal sickness ** for all those who honour him.
Glory… Now…
Kontakion, Tone 2: O Prophet who foresaw the mighty deeds of our God, * O great Elias who through your prayers stopped rain, ** intercede for us with the only One who loves mankind.
Prokimenon, Tone 4
You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.
verse: The Lord said to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand until I make Your enemies the footstool of Your feet.”
James 5:10-20
Alleluia, Tone 5
verse: Among His priests were Aaron and Moses; among those who invoked His name was Samuel.
verse: Light dawns for the just, and gladness for the upright of heart.
Luke 4:22-30
Communion Hymn
The just shall be held in everlasting memory; * they need not fear an evil reputation. * Alleluia, Alleluia, * Alleluia.