Young Adult Lenten Pilgrimage March 15th
Lenten Mission in Vermillion “A Call to Mercy” St. Mother Teresa in our World.
Come out and learn about St. (Mother) Teresa of Calcutta, her amazing life and call to love the poorest of the poor! During the Lenten Fast, we have been called to greater almsgiving. Allow this amazing saint to be your guide. This Lenten Mission in Vermilion will be led by Fr. Mykhailo Ozorovych, who has had personal experience of the power of prayer to this amazing saint.
We will be leaving Edmonton by Van March 15 @ 4:30 and returning the same night. Join other likeminded young Catholics, spread the word and invite your friends. The only cost is your meal on the way. Please RSVP to Millie or text 780-446-1061, so we know what size of vehicle to rent.
Spring Teen Retreat – March 22th – 25th, 2018
Grades 7 to 12
Start your Spring Break right! Unwind, recharge and share some prayers and fun at this year’s Eparchial Spring Break Retreat. Bring a friend and spread the word! Snowshoeing, Snow Fort Competition/tobogganing
Drop off: 5:00 -7:00 pm Friday, March 22th at Camp Oselia
Pick-up: 6:00 pm Monday, March 26th at Camp Oselia
COST: $100.00
Register and pay online at Contact Millie for more information at, 780-424-5496 or 780-446-1061.