Sunday, March 11 – Fourth Sunday of the Great Fast: St. John Climacus, Tone 7; Our Holy Father Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem (638)
Published on: March 8, 2018


Kathisma Reading
“Blessed is the man…” is sung.

At Psalm 140

In Tone 7

  1. Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name.

Come, let us rejoice in the Lord,
Who destroyed the power of death
and enlightened the human race;
and let us cry out with the angels:
Glory to You, our Creator and Saviour!

  1. The just shall gather around me* when You have been good to me.

O Saviour, for our sake You suffered crucifixion and burial;
and, as God, You destroyed death by Your death.
Therefore, we adore Your resurrection on the third day
and we sing: Glory to You, O Lord!

  1. Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!

On seeing the resurrection of the Creator,
the Apostles were amazed,
and they sang an angelic hymn of praise:
This is the glory of the Church,
this is the richness of the Kingdom!
O Lord, Who suffered for our sake, glory to You!

  1. Let Yours ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.

O Christ, although You were taken captive by Your enemies,
I still acknowledge You as my God,
and am not ashamed of You;
I will not hide the fact that You were nailed to the Cross.
Your death is my life, almighty Lord,
and I extol Your resurrection.
O Lover of mankind, glory to You!

  1. If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.

In fulfilment of the prophecy of David,
Christ revealed His majesty to His disciples in Sion.
He showed Himself to be worthy of equal praise
with His Father and the Holy Spirit;
for He existed from all eternity as God the Word, without a body;
then, out of love for mankind, He became incarnate,
and for our sake He was put to death as a man;
finally, by His own power He arose from the dead.

  1. I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.

O Christ, of Your own free will, You descended into Hades;
and, as God the Lord, You destroyed death.
On the third day You arose from the dead and raised up Adam
from the bonds of Hades and corruption.
In joy he cried out and said:
Glory to Your resurrection, O Lover of mankind!

In Tone 8

  1. From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.

O holy father John,
truly have you ever carried on your lips the praises of the Lord,
and with great wisdom have you studied the words of Holy Scripture,
that teach us how to practice the ascetic life.
So have you gained the riches of grace,
and you have become blessed,
overthrowing all the purposes of the ungodly.

  1. For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

O holy father John,
truly have you ever carried on your lips the praises of the Lord,
and with great wisdom have you studied the words of Holy Scripture,
that teach us how to practice the ascetic life.
So have you gained the riches of grace,
and you have become blessed,
overthrowing all the purposes of the ungodly.

  1. Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.

Most glorious father John,
with the fountain of your tears you have cleansed your soul,
and by keeping vigils through the night
you have gained God’s mercy.
You were raised on wings, O blessed one,
to the love of Him and of His beauty;
and as is right you dwell now in His unending joy,
with your fellow soldiers in the spiritual fight,
O holy saint of God.

  1. Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.

O holy father John,
through faith you have lifted up your mind on wings to God;
hating the restless confusion of this world,
you have taken up your Cross;
and, by following Him who sees all things
you have subjected your rebellious body to His guidance through ascetic discipline,
by the power of the Holy Spirit.

In Tone 5, Glory…

O holy father,
hearing the voice of the Gospel of the Lord,
you have forsaken the world, counting as naught its riches and its glory;
and so you have cried out to all:
“Love God,
and you shall find eternal grace.
Set nothing higher than His love,
that, when He comes in glory,
you may find rest with all the saints.”
at their prayers, O Christ, guard and save our souls.

In Tone 7, Now…

Immaculate Mother of God,
you became a mother outside the laws of nature,
remaining a virgin in a way that exceeds all description
and human understanding.
The wonder of your birth-giving could not be told in human language,
for your conception of Christ blinded intelligence,
and your birth-giving exceeded understanding:
for whenever God so desires, the laws of nature are broken.
Wherefore, we all firmly believe that you are the Mother of God,
and we eagerly beseech you to intercede for the salvation of our souls.


In Tone 7

O Saviour of the world, You arose from the grave,
and together with Your own flesh You raised up mankind.
O Lord, glory to You!

The Lord reigns, He is clothed in majesty. Robed is the Lord, and girt about with strength.

Come, let us worship Christ Who arose from the dead
and enlightened all creation.
For by His resurrection on the third day,
He set us free from the oppression of Hades,
granting us life and His great mercy.

For He has made the world firm, which shall not be moved.

O Christ, Lover of mankind,
You descended into Hades and destroyed death.
Then You arose on the third day;
and, together with Yourself You lifted up all of us
who glorify Your mighty resurrection.

Holiness befits Your house, O Lord, for length of days.

O Lord, what a fearful sight it was to see You lying in the tomb as if asleep.
Yet on the third day You arose in great power,
and at the same time You raised up Adam who joyfully cried out:
Glory to Your resurrection, O Lover of mankind!

In Tone 2, Glory…

Let us honour John, angel upon earth and man of God in heaven,
adornment of the world, joy of the good and virtuous, glory of the ascetics.
For planted in the house of God he has blossomed with the flower of holiness,
and spread abroad like a cedar in the desert,
causing the sheep of Christ’s spiritual flock to increase
in sanctity and righteousness.


O wondrous event exceeding every miracle that ever happened!
Who ever heard that a mother could conceive without a man,
and that she would hold in her arms the One who contains the whole universe?
This was the will of the One who was born of you.
Woman most pure,
never cease to intercede for those who honour you,
together with the One you carried in your arms as a child.
You have the power of a Mother:
therefore, intercede with Him that He may have mercy on us
and save our souls.


In Tone 7
By Your cross You destroyed death;* You opened Paradise to the thief;* You changed the lamentation of the myrrh-bearers to joy,* and charged the apostles to proclaim* that You are risen, O Christ our God,* offering great mercy to the world.

Glory… Now…

O Mother of God, we sing your praises,* for you were a virgin before conceiving,* and remained a virgin after giving birth.* And since you have given birth to our Salvation, Jesus Christ,* you have become a treasury of assistance* for all who seek resurrection and eternal life.* Therefore, lift us up from the depth of our transgressions,* for we place our hope in you.



Troparia and Kontakia
Troparion, Tone 7: By Your cross You destroyed death;* You opened Paradise to the thief;* You changed the lamentation of the myrrh-bearers to joy,* and charged the apostles to proclaim* that You are risen, O Christ our God,* offering great mercy to the world.

Troparion, Tone 1: O John, our God-bearing father,* you were shown to be a citizen of the desert,* an angel in bodily form,* and a worker of miracles.* Through fasting, prayers and vigils you received heavenly gifts* to heal the sick and the souls of those who, in faith, run to you.* Glory to Him who gives you strength.* Glory to Him who crowned you.* Glory to Him who works healing for all through you.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone 4: On the heights of true abstinence,* the Lord established you as a reliable star,* giving light for guidance to the ends of the earth,* O father John, our teacher.

Prokeimenon, Tone 7
The Lord will give strength to His people;* the Lord will bless His people with peace.

verse: Bring to the Lord, O you sons of God; bring to the Lord young rams. (Psalm 28:11,1)

Prokeimenon, Tone 7
The venerable ones will exult in glory* and they shall be joyful in their beds. (Psalm 149:5)

Hebrews 6:13-20; Ephesians 5:9-19

Alleluia, Tone 7
verse: It is good to give praise to the Lord; and to sing to Your name, O Most High. (Psalm 91:2)

verse: To announce Your mercy in the morning, and Your truth every night. (Psalm 91:3)
verse: They who are planted in the hose of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. (Psalm 91:14)

Mark 9:17-31; Matthew 4:25-5:12

Hymn to the Mother of God
In you, O Full of Grace, all creation rejoices: the angelic ranks and all the human race. Sanctified temple and spiritual paradise, virgins’ pride and boast, from whom God is made flesh and became a little Child; and He who is our God before all ages, He made your womb a throne, and He made it wider that all the heavens. In you, O Full of Grace, all creation rejoices. Glory be to you.

Communion Hymn
Praise the Lord from the heavens;* praise Him in the highest. (Psalm 148:1)*  The just man shall be in everlasting remembrance;* of evil hearsay he shall have no fear.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia. (Psalm 111:6)