The Annual Clergy Study Days took place on October 30-November 2. The theme was “The Theology of Ad-ministration – The Ministry of Management.”
- Sharing in Christ’s Ministry: to teach, to sanctify, and to shepherd;
- The Leadership Style of Jesus;
- Pope Francis and the Joy of the Gospel;
- Communicating the Word of God;
- Fostering Volunteerism;
- Fostering Lay Leadership;
- Stewardship of Time and Energy: a personal call to ministry;
- Stewardship of Talent: leadership and emotional intelligence;
- Stewardship of Treasure: financial management and what to do with the numbers;
- Dealing with Difficult People;
- Theology of Harmony: the Twelve Apostles and Brotherhood.
Presenters include: Sr. Zoe Bernatsky, ssmi, Jayne Buryn, Stan Fisher, Teresa Kellendonk, Iryna Laschuk, Bishop David Motiuk, Rev. Myron Pyszcz, Fr. Stephen Wojcichowsky, and Dr. Theresa Zolner.