At Psalm 140
In Tone 8
Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!
What shall we call you, Apostle?
Heaven, for you have made an account of the glory of God for us.
Lightning, for you illumine the world with radiance.
A cloud, for you rain down in a torrent the knowledge of God.
A chalice pouring the rich wine of wisdom to gladden our hearts:
pray to the Lord that he may save our souls.
Let Yours ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.
What shall we call you, Apostle?
Heaven, for you have made an account of the glory of God for us.
Lightning, for you illumine the world with radiance.
A cloud, for you rain down in a torrent the knowledge of God.
A chalice pouring the rich wine of wisdom to gladden our hearts:
pray to the Lord that he may save our souls.
If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.
How shall we address you, chosen of God?
A river, flowing forth to us from paradise?
The ark of the new covenant ratified by Christ our God:
the illuminator, made radiant by the never-setting light:
the lampstand enlightening the Church:
your words are the bread of life, the divine table, the cup of joy:
pray to the Lord that He may save our souls.
I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.
How shall we address you, chosen of God?
A river, flowing forth to us from paradise?
The ark of the new covenant ratified by Christ our God:
the illuminator, made radiant by the never-setting light:
the lampstand enlightening the Church:
your words are the bread of life, the divine table, the cup of joy:
pray to the Lord that He may save our souls.
From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.
What shall we call you, God-inspired speaker?
A faithful steward of the mysteries of Christ,
a servant of the divine tent not made with human hands,
perfected in the fullness of time by the builder of wisdom,
He entrusted to you the new law of grace,
inscribed in Sion on tablets hewn from the rock of love:
faithful witness, pray to Him that our souls may be saved.
For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.
What shall we call you, God-inspired speaker?
A faithful steward of the mysteries of Christ,
a servant of the divine tent not made with human hands,
perfected in the fullness of time by the builder of wisdom,
He entrusted to you the new law of grace,
inscribed in Sion on tablets hewn from the rock of love:
faithful witness, pray to Him that our souls may be saved.
Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.
What shall we call you, glorious one?
The treasury of heavenly gifts;
the steadfast physician of our souls and bodies;
the fellow-labourer of Paul and his companion in travel and hardship;
the author of the acts of the apostles.
Luke, your exceeding goodness has won for you measureless praise:
pray to the Lord that He may save our souls.
Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.
What shall we call you, glorious one?
The treasury of heavenly gifts;
the steadfast physician of our souls and bodies;
the fellow-labourer of Paul and his companion in travel and hardship;
the author of the acts of the apostles.
Luke, your exceeding goodness has won for you measureless praise:
pray to the Lord that He may save our souls.
In Tone 6, Glory…
Apostle of Christ, compiler of divine dogmas and foundation of the Church.
You were the attendant and imitator of Paul, the vessel of election.
By wisdom you have rescued us from the turmoil of ignorance,
for our hearts were in the depths of destruction.
Wherefore we beseech you, most admirable Luke, the pride of Antioch,
pray to our Saviour and God,
for those who celebrate your most honourable memory in faith.
Who would not call you blessed, O Virgin most holy?
Who would not sing a hymn of praise
to the glory of your giving birth without pain or travail?
The Only-begotten Son Himself,
begotten of the Father before all ages,
was made flesh out of you in a manner
that cannot be explained, O Woman most pure!
And for our sake, He Who is God by nature
assumed the nature of a man.
He is not divided into two persons;
He is understood to have two natures
without commixion or confusion.
O noble and blessed Woman,
intercede with Him that He may mercy on our souls.
(1) 1 John 1-7; (2) James 1:1-12; (3) Jude 1:1-25
In Tone 5
Grace is poured out upon your lips like a tongue of fire;
you received the Word of light, Apostle Luke,
you proclaimed salvation for those who longed to be made children of light;
writing and teaching the holy gospel in the fragrance of truth;
compiling faithfully the deeds and words of Paul, your teacher,
your holy writings are powerful weapons of light;
through them we pierce the darkness of evil:
pray that we may love the light of all,
that delivered from the corruption of death,
we may be granted peace, eternal light and great mercy.
Their proclamation has gone out into all the earth, and their words to the ends of the universe!
You beheld the fullness of God’s mysteries:
your words are a sure fortress of faith,
to you was entrusted the task of writing the word of life for us:
you faithfully obeyed God’s inspiration, eye-witness and minister of the incarnate word,
you beheld Him after the resurrection together with Cleopas,
recognizing Him with hearts aflame in the breaking of bread,
pray that He may fill with the sweetness of divine warmth
the souls of all who keep your holy memory
Grace is poured out upon your lips; therefore, God has blessed you forever!
Rejoice, blameless writer of the Gospel of joy:
you have recorded for us the conception and preaching of the Baptist;
the wondrous annunciation to the Mother of the Lord;
the ineffable incarnation and birth of the Word who came forth from her womb;
His temptations, miracles and parables, His passion, cross and death,
the glory of His risen Body recognized in the breaking of bread,
His glorious ascension and the coming of the Holy Spirit.
As a faithful witness you compiled the Acts of the Apostles.
You were Paul’s companion in travel and his greatest consolation,
beholder of divine mysteries and light of the Church:
guard us all, glorious healer.
In Tone 6, Glory…
All-wise Apostle, faithful labourer of the Saviour,
witness of the triumph of His passion,
you have completed the race, you have kept the faith,
harvesting the peoples from the darkness of error,
offering us as a sweet-smelling oblation to the heavenly King.
Now you stand before the Judge of all:
pray that He may rescue us from our sins and deliver us from eternal death,
when He comes in glory on the day of judgment.
Christ the Lord, our Creator and Redeemer,
came forth from your womb, O most pure Virgin.
He clothed Himself in our human flesh
to set us free from the original curse of Adam.
Therefore, O Mary, we praise you, without ceasing,
as the true Virgin Mother of God,
and we sing with the angels:
Rejoice, O Lady, advocate, protector, and salvation of our souls.
In Tone 5
Let us praise with sacred songs the holy apostle Luke,* the recorder of the joyous Gospel of Christ* and the scribe of the Acts of the Apostles,* for his writings are a testimony of the church of Christ:* he is the physician of human weaknesses and infirmities.* He heals the wounds of our souls,** and constantly intercedes for our salvation!
Glory… Now…
Rejoice, O Virgin, impassable gateway of the Lord! * Rejoice, protective wall of those who take refuge in you! * Rejoice, peaceful haven untroubled by storms! * Rejoice, Virgin who has not known wedlock * and yet has given birth in the flesh to your Creator and God! * O Mother of God, never cease to intercede ** for those who praise and worship your Son.
Troparion and Kontakion
Troparion, Tone 5: Let us praise in sacred hymns the celebrated Luke* herald of the acts of the apostles,* brightly shining author of the Good News of Christ,* scribe of things unwritten which he wrote for Christ’s Church.* He is a physician for the feeble,* healing nature’s ailments and the maladies of souls* and he prays unceasingly for all of us.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.
Kontakion, Tone 2: Let us praise a genuine preacher of piety, the godly Luke,* a star of the Church and eloquent speaker concerning ineffable mysteries.* For the Word who alone knows the human heart* chose him with the wise Paul to teach the gentiles.
Prokeimenon, Tone 8
Their utterance has gone forth into all the earth, and their word unto the ends of the world.
verse: The heavens tell the glory of God, and the firmament declares the work of His hands. (Psalm 18:5,2)
Colossians 4:5-9, 14, 18
Alleluia, Tone 1
verse: The heavens shall confess our wonders, O Lord, and Your truth in the church of the saints.
verse: God is glorified in the assembly of the saints. (Psalm 88:6,8)
Luke 10:16-21
Communion Hymn
Their utterance has gone forth into all the earth,* and their word unto the ends of the world.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia. (Psalm 18:5)