On behalf of the Ukrainian Catholic Council of the Edmonton Eparchy (Tsentralia) and it’s permanent member organizations UCBC, UCWLC, UCYC, EECKC I would like to extend an invitation to you and your parishioners to attend annual Bishop’s Name Day Tea on November 09, 2014, 2 pm at St. Josaphat Verkhovyna Parish Hall.

Tsentralia with it’s member organizations is honoring Bishop David of the Edmonton Eparchy by holding a Name day tea in his Honor. This event gives an opportunity to the Edmonton Eparchy laity to express gratitude to His Excellency for his good Pastoral care of all the Faithful.

This year the host parish is St. Josaphat’s Cathedral with UCBC, UCWLC, UCYC, and EECKC.

Thank you very much for your cooperation in this matter. Should you need more information do not hesitate to contact me electronically meest@interbaun.com or by telephone 780-908-7551, 780-424-1777.

Yours in Christ,

Luba Kowalchyk


Ukrainian Catholic Council Edmonton Eparchy (Tsentralia)