The Paschal Troprion is sung three times: first by the clergy, then by the faithful, then half by the clergy, and half by the faithful. We continue to sing the Troparion with verses from Psalm 67:

Paschal Troparion

Christ is risen from the dead,* trampling death by death,* and to those in the tombs* giving life.

Priest: Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered; let those who hate Him flee from before His face!

All: Christ is risen…

Priest: As smoke vanishes, let them vanish, as wax melts before the fire!

All: Christ is risen…

Priest: So let the sinners perish before the face of God, but let the righteous be glad!

All: Christ is risen…

Priest: This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

All: Christ is risen…

Priest: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.

All: Christ is risen…

Priest: Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death,

All: And to those in the tombs giving life.

Litany of Peace

Lamp-Lighting Psalms

In Tone 6

  1. Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name.

O Christ, You won the victory over Hades;
You ascended the Cross so that You might raise up with Yourself
all those who dwelled in the darkness of Death.
Almighty Saviour, You are free from Death
and bestow life by Your divine light.
We, therefore, beseech You to have mercy on us.

  1. The just shall gather around me* when You have been good to me.

Today Christ conquered Death.
He has risen from the grave as He foretold,
bestowing great joy upon the world.
Therefore, let us all lift up our voices and sing:
O Fount of Life, O Light whom no one can approach,
almighty Saviour, have mercy on us.

  1. Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!

O Lord, where can we sinners flee from You,
for You are present in all creation?
You are present in heaven, for it is Your dwelling place.
Your power prevails in Hades where You conquered Death.
O Master, Your sustaining hand touches even the depths of the sea.
Where, then, can we take refuge except in You?
We, therefore, prostrate ourselves before You and pray:
O Lord, risen from the dead, have mercy on us.

  1. Let Yours ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.

We exalt in Your Cross, O Christ,
and we sing the glory of Your Resurrection.
For You are our God, and we have no other Lord but You.

In Tone 4

  1. If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.

О holy Bishop Methodius,
you took upon yourself task of teaching the law of grace.
By holy letters you brought together and handed on these teachings to your people and your flock,
that by them they could read and contemplate the holy Scriptures,
and they blessed the Lord.
We, therefore, bless you worthily.

  1. I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.

О holy Bishop Methodius,
you took upon yourself task of teaching the law of grace.
By holy letters you brought together and handed on these teachings to your people and your flock,
that by them they could read and contemplate the holy Scriptures,
and they blessed the Lord.
We, therefore, bless you worthily.

  1. From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.

О blessed Methodius,
you followed the words of the Lord,
and truly blessed the Father,
who gave birth to the Word in essence,
and sent forth the all-holy Spirit.
You continue to profess this, crying aloud,
“Truly the Comforter proceeds from the Father and not from the Son.”
Therefore, О divine preacher,
you stand with the fathers of the First Council in their same profession,
pray with them to the Saviour, that he may save us all.

  1. For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

О blessed Methodius,
you followed the words of the Lord,
and truly blessed the Father,
who gave birth to the Word in essence,
and sent forth the all-holy Spirit.
You continue to profess this, crying aloud,
“Truly the Comforter proceeds from the Father and not from the Son.”
Therefore, О divine preacher,
you stand with the fathers of the First Council in their same profession,
pray with them to the Saviour, that he may save us all.

  1. Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.

О father Methodius,
you received apostolic grace from God in abundance.
You were counted worthy of the wonder of prophecy,
seeing the future as if it were present.
Rejoice, О glorious father,
sight of the blind, expeller of demons and healer of the sick.
Grant us forgiveness of sins and great mercy.

  1. Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.

О father Methodius,
you received apostolic grace from God in abundance.
You were counted worthy of the wonder of prophecy,
seeing the future as if it were present.
Rejoice, О glorious father,
sight of the blind, expeller of demons and healer of the sick.
Grant us forgiveness of sins and great mercy.

In Tone 1, Glory…

О bishop Methodius, renowned citizen of the land of Moravia,
glory and boast of the northern countries,
your lofty preaching calls us together.
Come, О feast-lovers, let us rejoice in faith and exult with him
on the feast of his glorious falling asleep.
May he offer unceasing prayer to Christ our God,
that our souls may be delivered from all troubles and dangers.

In Tone 1, Now…

Let us sing a hymn of praise to the Virgin Mary,
glory of the whole world!
She was herself formed by human seed,
yet she became the Mother of the Master, the Gate of heaven,
the theme of the angels’ hymn and beauty of the faithful.
She was seen as being heavenly
and the Tabernacle of the Godhead.
She indeed tore down the wall of enmity between God and man,
and brought peace in its place, she opened up the kingdom of heaven.
Let us therefore cling fast to her for she is the anchor of faith,
and let us receive as our stronghold the Lord Who was born of her.
Be of good cheer, then, and have confidence, O people of God,
for He will fight our enemies for us, He is all-powerful!

The Great Prokeimenon, Tone 7
I love you, O Lord my strength.* the Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer.

verse: God is my Helper in whom I take refuge.
verse: I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies.
verse: From His holy temple He heard my voice.

Deuteronomy 1:8-17; Deuteronomy 10:14-21; Wisdom 3:1-9

Litany of Supplication

Deign, O Lord

Second Litany of Supplication



In Tone 6

O Christ our Saviour,
the angels in heaven sing the praises of Your Resurrection;
make us on earth also worthy
to extol You with a pure heart.

Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered.

Today a sacred Pascha is revealed to us: a new and holy Pascha; a mystical Pascha; a Pascha which is Christ the Redeemer; a blameless Pascha; a great Pascha; a Pascha of the faithful; a Pascha which has opened for us the gates of Paradise; a Pascha which sanctifies all the faithful.

As smoke vanishes, let them vanish!

Come from that scene O women bearers of glad tidings, and say to Zion: Receive from us the glad tidings of joy of Christ’s Resurrection: Exult and be glad, and rejoice, O Jerusalem, seeing Christ the King who comes forth from the tomb like a Bridegroom in procession!

So let sinners perish before the face of God, but let the righteous scatter rejoice!

The myrrh-bearing women at the break of dawn drew near to the tomb of the Life Giver. There they found an angel sitting upon a stone, he greeted the, with these words: “Why do you seek the living among the dead? Why do you mourn in the incorrupt amid corruption? Go, proclaim the glad tidings to His disciples.”

This is the day which the Lord has made: let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Pascha of beauty! The Pascha of the Lord! Pascha! A Pascha worthy of all honour has dawned on us. Pascha! Let us embrace each other joyously! Pascha, ransom from affliction! For today as from a bridal chamber Christ has shown forth from the Tomb, and filled the women with joy saying: “Proclaim the glad tidings to the Apostles!”

In Tone 8, Glory…

Come, О feast-lovers,
let us rejoice and exult with holy hymns,
the falling asleep of the bishop Methodius, the enlightener of Moravia,
the equal-to-the apostles of the Slavic peoples.
Behold, he rejected the pleasures of the world,
and took the apostolate of the cross on his shoulders,
together with his brother, enlightening the Slavic nations.
After his falling asleep, he received from God the reward of righteousness,
and prays without ceasing,
that our souls may be delivered from all troubles and dangers.


This is the day of Resurrection, let us be illumined by the Feast! Let us embrace each other! Let us call “brothers” even those that hate us and forgive all by the Resurrection, and so let us cry:

Christ is risen from the dead,* trampling death by death,* and to those in the tombs* giving life. (3)

At this time, all exchange the Paschal Kiss


In Tone 4
O Christ, bestow from above Your mercies* to those who radiantly feast Your bishop’s falling asleep.* Through the intercession of our father Methodius,* Your holy disciple,* open to us the doors of the Kingdom* and loose the chains of our many sins. Twice

In Tone 1
Hail, Mother of God, Virgin Mary full of grace!* The Lord is with you.* Blessed are you among women,* and blessed is the fruit of your womb.* For you have borne Christ, the Saviour* and Deliverer of our souls.



After the priest has exclaimed, Blessed be the Kingdom… and the people have responded, Amen, the clergy sing the Paschal Troparion once and the people repeat it. Then, the clergy sing the first half, and the people conclude it.

Paschal Troparion
Christ is risen from the dead,* trampling death by death,* and to those in the tombs* giving life.

First Antiphon
Shout to the Lord, all the earth,* sing now to His name, give glory to His praise.

Through the prayers of the Mother of God,* O Saviour, save us.
Say unto God, “How awesome are Your works!* Because of the greatness of Your strength Your enemies will flatter You.”

Through the prayers of the Mother of God,* O Saviour, save us.
Let all the earth worship You and sing to You,* let it sing to Your name, O Most High!

Through the prayers of the Mother of God,* O Saviour, save us.
Glory… Now… Only-begotten Son…

Third Antiphon
Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered; let those who hate Him flee from before His face.
Troparion: Christ is risen from the dead,* trampling death by death,* and to those in the tombs* giving life.
As smoke vanishes, let them vanish, as wax melts before the fire.
Troparion: Christ is risen from the dead,* trampling death by death,* and to those in the tombs* giving life.
So let sinners perish before the face of God, but let the righteous be glad.
Troparion: Christ is risen from the dead,* trampling death by death,* and to those in the tombs* giving life.

In the churches bless God, the Lord from the fountains of Israel.

Troparia and Kontakia
Troparion: Christ is risen from the dead,* trampling death by death,* and to those in the tombs* giving life.

Troparion, Tone 4: O Christ, bestow from above Your mercies* to those who radiantly feast Your bishop’s falling asleep.* Through the intercession of our father Methodius,* Your holy disciple,* open to us the doors of the Kingdom* and loose the chains of our many sins.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Kontakion, Tone 2: Let us hymn the godly and faithful Methodius,* and lovingly call him blessed;* the pastor of the Slavs and the precious servant of the Trinity,* the one who banished heresy,* for he prays on behalf of all of us.

Now and for ever and ever. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone 8: Though You descended into a tomb, O Immortal One,* yet You destroyed the power of Hades;* and You rose as victor, O Christ God,* calling to the myrrh-bearing women: Rejoice!* and giving peace to Your Apostles:* You, who grant resurrection to the fallen.

Instead of Holy God
All you who have been baptized into Christ, you have put on Christ! Alleluia! (3)
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.
You have put on Christ! Alleluia!
All you who have been baptized into Christ, you have put on Christ! Alleluia!

Prokeimenon, Tone 8
Their utterance has gone forth into all the earth,* and their words unto the ends of the world.

verse: The heavens tell the glory of God, and the firmament declares the work of His hand. (Psalm 19:5,2)

Prokeimenon, Tone 1
My mouth shall speak wisdom and the meditation of my heart understanding. (Psalm 28:4)

Acts 3:1-8; Hebrews 7:26-8:2

Alleluia, Tone 1
verse: The heavens shall confess Your wonders, O Lord, and Your truth in the church of the saints.(Psalm 89:6)

verse: God is glorified in the assembly of the saints. (Psalm 89:8)
verse: The mouth of the just man shall meditate wisdom and his tongue shall speak judgment. (Psalm 36:30)
verse: The law of his God is in his heart, and his steps will not falter. (Psalm 36:31)

John 2:12-22; John 10:9-16

Hymn to the Mother of God
The Angel cried out to the One full of Grace: O chaste Virgin, rejoice! And again I say, Rejoice! Your Son has risen from the tomb on the third day, and raised the dead. Let all people rejoice! Shine, shine, O new Jerusalem, for the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! Exult now and be glad, O Sion! And you, O chaste Mother of God, take delight in the resurrection of your Son.

Communion Hymn
Receive the Body of Christ;* taste the fountain of immortality.* The just man shall be in everlasting remembrance;* of evil hearsay he shall have no fear.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia. (Psalm 111:6)

Instead of “Blessed is He Who comes…” we sing:
Christ is risen from the dead,* trampling death by death,* and to those in the tombs* giving life.

Instead of “We have seen the true light…” we sing:
Christ is risen from the dead,* trampling death by death,* and to those in the tombs* giving life.

Instead of “May our mouths be filled…” we sing three times:
Christ is risen from the dead,* trampling death by death,* and to those in the tombs* giving life.

Instead of “Blessed be the name of the Lord…” we sing three times:
Christ is risen from the dead,* trampling death by death,* and to those in the tombs* giving life.

At the dismissal, instead of “Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.” we chant:
Christ is risen from the dead,* trampling death by death,* and to those in the tombs* giving life.

After the final Amen, the priest, with cross raised on high, exclaims “Christ is risen” thrice and we respond “Truly, He is risen” each time. Then, the Troparion “Christ is risen” is sung as at the beginning of the Liturgy, but with the addition:
And to us he has granted life eternal;* we bow down before his resurrection on the third day.