Social Development and Justice


“Mandated by the gospel of Jesus Christ, our mission is to affirm, inspire and enable the people of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy to work towards a just and loving world by providing education, support, and guidance in addressing social justice issues both locally and globally.”

Sanctity of Human Life
Care For Creation
Indigenous Relations
Our Social Mission 

E-Books to Assist With Your Parish Presentations 

Our Call to Caritas

This book contains background information, prayers, experiential learning activities, group discussion questions, definitions of the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, examples of international solidarity in action from the work of Development and Peace, and information and resources to assist educators in bringing Catholic Social Teaching into the classroom and school environment.

Walking on Water

This guide is designed for use by small groups of self-directed young adults to explore the connection between faith and justice. Ultimately, this resource can and will be adapted to fit your own group needs and leadership styles.


Посібник розроблено як практичний інструмент для відповідальних за соціальне служіння у єпархіях, парафіяльних священиків та інших людей, які сприяють розвиткові соціального служіння у парафіях.

Manual for Parish Caritas – Love Your Neighbour

This Manual is designed as a practical tool for diocesan animators, parish priests or other persons that are promoting parish Caritas development. The basic purpose of this manual is to be used as a tool for training sessions. Topics presented in this manual are basic knowledge necessary for a good work of parish caritas team.

Our Social Development and Justice Blog