March 23; Lazarus Saturday

March 23; Lazarus Saturday

Lazarus Saturday. Hebrews 12:28-13:8. John 11:1-45. DIVINE LITURGY Troparia and Kontakia Troparion, Tone 1: Assuring us before Your Passion of the general resurrection,* You raised Lazarus from the dead, o Christ God:* and so, like the children we also carry signs of...
March 22: Matins and Presanctified Liturgy

March 22: Matins and Presanctified Liturgy

Holy Priest-Martyr Basil, Presbyter of Ancyra (363). Passing into eternal life (1924) of Fr. Isidore Dolnytsky, hymnographer, professor and spiritual father of L’viv and the Greek College in Rome. Great Fast Day 40. Abstention from meat and foods that contain meat....