CAMROSE – PROTECTION of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish – Парафія Покрови Матері Божої

Location: 4901-42 St., Camrose. The Parish was founded in 1957 and the church was consecrated by Bishop Neil Savaryn in the presence of Fr. Benedict Hrynyshyn, OSBM. After Fr. Hrynyshyn the following Eparchial clergy served the community and the surrounding areas: Fr. George Maly (1959-1960), Fr. Anthony Pawliuk (1960-1962), Fr. Roman Hankevych (1963-1964), Fr. Demetrius Baziuk (1965-1966), Fr. Nicholas Holowaty (1966-1967), Fr. Myron Martynkiw (1967-1986), Fr. Myron Pyszcz (1987-1990), Fr. Peter Brezden (1991-1993), Fr. Mihajlo Planchak (1993-1999), Fr. Ron Hollohan (1999), Fr. Vasyl Nykyforuk (1999-2008), Fr. Slavko Dumeč (2008- ). There are approximately 40 families in the parish.